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Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Kitten

As I watch my little Kitten hide out in my woofer box, I think of my students.

When I first spotted this kitten, it was injured badly hiding among the bushes near a very big drain. It was drizzling and when the water level rises, it would definitely drown.

As humans, it was very easy for us to see the predicament, the kitten got to leave the bushes or it will die. But for the kitten, it wasnt able to see the same. It was thinking to itself, im injured, im safe in the bushes, i will attack anyone that tries to touch me.

This is very much similar to parents and teachers guiding our students. We can see 10 steps ahead of you and we always warn you of what is to come. However, you can only see 3 - 5 steps in front of you and decide that you know what is best, and you react against your teachers and parents.

I climbed into the drain to pick up the kitten. It was ferocious. It bit me on my finger and i was bleeding profusely. Still i managed to bring it to a vet and now it resides in my home, together with my other 2 cats.

Heres a video showing how it is still very scared and wary and resorts to hiding in all places.

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